Should you start looking for a new job?

Leaving a job is a big decision that could affect multiple people in your life from your colleagues to your loved ones. At times this decision can seem crystal clear, but other times it may take some self-evaluation. Changing jobs may be necessary for your future growth and happiness.
But, how do you know when it’s time to start looking for a new job? Ask yourself these questions:
When was the last time you felt challenged? While it’s great to get to a comfortable place in your career, it’s also essential to continue learning and growing.
Do you feel like you’ve peaked? Think about when your last promotion was or the last time you had an increase in responsibilities.
Do you feel your work is noticed? Great companies reward hard work and dedication, but unfortunately, many people feel underappreciated in their jobs.
Is your pay where you feel it should be? While pay isn’t everything, it’s important to be paid fairly for the work you do.
Do you feel your company is the right fit? You’ve likely seen the full extent of your company. Do you mesh well and agree with what it stands for and the company culture?
How would moving jobs impact your family/loved ones? It’s important to take the people in your life into consideration. Think if moving jobs could improve their life, how the adjustment period would go, etc.